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In my days as a youth, I stumbled upon the name of John Hanson. The discovery was at a time when I learned he passed away a short distance from my family home in Maryland. Some of my neighbors within the small town of Oxon Hill proclaimed that John Hanson was the first President of the United States. Others were curious about his missing remains from the Oxon Hill Manor burial grounds. Indeed, the exciting statements and claims raised many questions about our early American history. Still, the uncovering of surprising answers made a lasting impression throughout my life.  

While looking into the mysterious life of John Hanson, I always followed my father’s advice to get truthful answers from research. He always told me not to believe in conspiracies and to keep my feet on the ground. It was common sense advice, whereas most decisions in life had little to do with conspiracies and much to do with following the money. It was a principle I followed when I launched my initial research from a base of our nation’s earliest citations to discover a modest man named John Hanson. It was a simple search that initially started from curiosity. Still, with the uncovering of surprising citations from historical writings attached to the life of John Hanson, the research gradually focused on Hanson’s significant financial and organizational contributions to achieving independence. As the research continued, there were additional discoveries of significant contributions and sacrifices for American independence with supporting citations surrounding his period. In the end, I was overwhelmed by the principle of giving honor where honor is due by telling his fantastic story.

With discoveries of what John Hanson contributed to the framing of the nation, an account began to take shape with his hands in the nation's design of many states. Just one of John Hanson's many contributions is why former
President Gilbert Grosvenor of the National Geographic Society gave credit to John Hanson for the mapping and design of the United States and complete credit to President John Hanson for the “whole course of our national life.” It was John Hanson's efforts that shaped the future of our nation with its intended constitution that forefathers drafted in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence. His contribution to the framing of the nation was a powerful story by itself. Still, a more extraordinary account involved his vast contributions to creating an organized army to ensure the success of the American Revolutionary War. It was a story from long ago and a discovery of an account of the most critical contributions that brought about the nation's birth. A fantastic story that tells us precisely why John Hanson's election as our nation's first President preceded immediately after the defeat of the British army and after achieving independence.

I never thought that something like this discovery was remotely possible, considering the narrative from what we learned about our nation’s history while growing up. But for over a century, historical scholars regularly say they don’t have the most important answers to many interesting questions about our history and that they still can’t answer these very same questions today. An example was the historical question, “Why did George Washington show up in his military uniform at the Continental Congress?” Remarkably, the omitted history of our nation’s first President answers this question about his business partner, George Washington. The answers to many questions were plain and straightforward when including the history surrounding John Hanson, and finally, our American story made perfect common sense.

Secondary to all of this, the missing history of our nation and its first President tells us why Americans need to follow the principles intended to be perpetual. If these original principles under the first set of forefathers of the first constitution were perpetual as intended, Hanson would naturally retain the recognition as our first President and the honor he deserves. At this present and crucial time —we seem to have strayed far away from these original principles and ethical levels of governing that Thomas Jefferson had also wished we embodied. Especially within a limited government and a strong level of individual representation that once defined and distinguished us as a Nation.

While longing for a return to those noble principles of honesty that were once a commonality, in addition to having the desire to find the answers to how we abandoned the direction of such principles in government, I have spent over two decades performing exhaustive research on our nation’s first President. It has become an amazing and completely unexpected discovery with surprising results. They have been discoveries that not only fill gaps in our U. S. history but perhaps a roadmap to a greater future of happiness as envisioned by our earliest founding father, John Hanson.

Although John Hanson's story intertwines with the American Revolutionary War and the Continental Congress, the most magnificent story of his presidency begins after the Continental Congress and when our first Congress of the United States brought about our nation's birth under the first constitution. It was the first United States Constitution that finally dissolved the Continental Congress as the laws of that first constitution gave birth to the United States of America with its official naming of the new nation and its recognition from other nations. The commencement of the nation's first constitution brought us the first set of representative terms under the first Congress of the United States Assembled. This first Congress launched the very first full terms of United States representatives along with the first full term of the first President of the United States of America. It created a nation's first President within the office of the President mentioned in Article IX. This first and only constitution and document gave our nation its name in article one – The United States of America. The defeat of the British and the end of the American Revolutionary War legitimized the actual birth of our nation and its first President.

Under the operation of the new nation’s first constitution, the election and commencement of the nation’s first presidency went into force. Naturally, they did so directly after the end of the American Revolutionary War. This first full term of the presidency that initiated the nation’s first United States government went into operation after the surrender of the British Army. It was a British defeat in October of 1781 that was joyfully recognized and received with a formal surrender in a letter of capitulation signed by Lord Cornwallis, the prominent General of the American British Armies. It would be the nation’s first President John Hanson to immediately give formal thanks in Philadelphia to his General George Washington and the French Army for their many contributions to winning the American Revolutionary War. With so much accomplished to bring about the birth of the United States of America with the official ownership of American soil, along with its first President, John Hanson, it is hard to believe the nation’s actual birthday on November 5, 1781, is not celebrated.


With the words written into the following documents to be self-evident, the first United States constitution, known as The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, created the Congress of the United States Assembled to legislate the United States of America. With its first congress in place and the election of its first President into the office of the President with our nation’s representatives, President Hanson entered into the very first full presidential term on November 5th of 1781. The government was officially in force under the laws of that constitution with the birth of a new nation that better reflects the purpose of those early patriots. These were the original forefathers who fought a war to create what they envisioned in the Declaration of Independence and a happy society of people. In almost a decade to follow, we learn this very same United States government that launched the new nation with its first President would adopt a fundamental change in a second Constitution. It is the second United States Constitution in place today in the continuing government of the United States of America and its continuing presidents and congress.

When I asked myself, when does a new nation with its first President go into force? I am left to ask, "before we win the Revolution with the British holding onto that ownership of American soil? Did the Nation commence just after the enemy's surrender when patriots took ownership of the soil under their feet? Did the Nation's commencement occur almost a decade after the British surrender under a second constitution that a first constitution had already named?" The answer always brought me back to President John Hanson and the sacrifices of many patriots that better reflect the United States Constitution and the system of government they engendered. It was the intended United States of America with its United States Congress. More importantly, it was a constitution that was, in every way, directly attached to the Declaration of Independence to deliver the best means to keep those declared principles for all people in a perpetual Union, and all of this was a design to prevent the atrocities that followed its abandonment. The truthful answers to my questions led to many cited discoveries of patriotic intent attached to a Declaration of Independence that gave the Nation – its purpose. It was a discovery we have wholly overlooked from our American history with a disturbing omission in the narrative surrounding the Nation's first President - John Hanson.

Our American history was indeed the people's intent to claim the soil from beneath their feet, and their blood paid a heavy price as it poured into that soil during the Revolutionary War. The reward in ownership of American soil would be a historic accomplishment. The world's first society of people had united to take ownership of a new nation while forming a democracy that intended to give its people full representation. It was a level of representation and government ownership to prevent entitlements we see today from special interest groups that run away with the people's money. It was unquestionably an accomplishment with the intent of greater accountability of the money and governing of the people. All of this original intent began when the American people under the thirteen British colonies sought to create sovereign States to govern themselves in every manner in which we would use common sense to govern their households. They created a constitution from the intent found in the Declaration of Independence to secure and hold together a new nation while charting a course for eternity – perpetuity. With its attachment to the Declaration of Independence, forefathers formed a constitution to create highly respected government servants to carry out the people's will.

The initial design of The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union created public virtue. It promoted a happy society of people in the world’s first representative democracy of a limited government within a nation named – The United States of America. It was an achievement secured by a revolutionary war to put in place a constitution that would provide the most significant representation to all the people its founders stipulated in the Declaration of Independence.

History professor Merrill Jensen at the University of Wisconsin found numerous citations showing the nation with its first constitution was experiencing incredible growth in every possible way with a growing economy reflecting the same spirit of the original colonist. However, the federal government was still in debt, and a change to the spirit of a growing economy in Massachusetts witnessed a challenge when farm crops failed. Massachusetts intended to jail those who did not pay their taxes. The condition mirrored that of a British solution with greater taxation controls over the people who naturally rebelled. Compounding this issue was the threat of a federal controlling system when Nathaniel Gorham from this same state of Massachusetts became elected as the President of the United States in 1786. It was considered one of the most unusual elections of a President who was a friend of Alexander Hamilton, Governor Morris, and Robert Morris, who was well known to want a king instead of a President. Records suggest that either President Gorham or Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, who served in the American Army during the revolutionary war, suggested to Alexander Hamilton the possibility of Prince Henry becoming a King of the United States. In 1786, government leaders entertained the idea of having a king over the United States under the Presidency of Nathaniel Gorham. Still, the idea was quickly revoked as another scheme to undermine the government of the United States while causing further instability to the nation in its fragile infancy. As for the state of Massachusetts, its government lost its common sense in a solution to jail American patriots over a solution found in states like Maryland, where there was forgiveness of debt until a better crop year. In the great experiment, Maryland found success.

Nevertheless, the problem that started in Massachusetts with a return to government tyranny with taxation and immediate jail time for not paying taxes and debts, along with the rumors of greater Federal control and the possibility of a king, pushed patriots to become rebellious. It would be known as Shays Rebellion, which commenced about the same time as the Annapolis Convention that brought about the Constitutional Convention. The rebellion to fight government tyranny and greater government control by American patriots, specifically those who fought for independence, would be cited as a need to make a fundamental change to a second constitution with greater federal control long before the Bill of Rights. Along with these changes, Governor Morris would write the preamble to the second constitution, “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union.” Unknown to many, the adoption of the new constitution was with only nine of the required thirteen states. A specific law under the first constitution required approval from all thirteen States as written into the proper adoption of all changes transcribed in article thirteen of the nation’s first constitution. The members of the convention did not adhere to the specific law.

Article XIII – “Articles of this confederation shall be inviolably observed by every state, and the union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a congress of the united states, and be afterward confirmed by the legislatures of every state.”

Despite the committee's instruction to only make improvements to the first constitution, the second constitution moved forward by a partial vote from nine states as this new constitution implemented a more expansive form of federalism. Against the wishes of patriots like Samuel Adams, George Mason, and James Monroe, along with Thomas Jefferson, who was a firm believer that power corrupts, the second constitution formed a greater federal system of government for the reasoning that the nation needed to be honored and respected on a continental scale. As constitutional powers shifted away from the people and their states, the new laws naturally reduced the people's representation and ownership. After the second constitution was in force in 1789, an event took place with a power shift much worse than Shays Rebellion as domestic and international investors began to pull their investments. As the second constitution continued, broader commercial downturns increased. Within a few years, the credit market collapsed. Much more devastating than the Massachusetts farmer's lousy crop year, the result was the Panic of 1796–1797.

Along with this, Americans experienced the collapse of a thriving United States economy with the potential to pay off its debts in the long run. In many cases, from the commencement of the second constitution, American patriots like Robert Morris, a leading fundraiser of the Revolutionary War, suffered a complete loss of wealth with bankruptcy in 1798, followed by debtors' prison. This downfall was the same problem experienced by farmers imprisoned for debt in Massachusetts that led to Shay's Rebellion. As for Samuel Chase, who was about to enter debtors prison, George Washington would save him from jail with an appointment, and congress would pass an act to free Robert Morris from prison. In the years to follow, George Washington's estate of Mount Vernon (held by family members), along with John Hanson's birthplace of Port Tobacco, went into ruins and continued to do so in the early to mid-1800s. The nation was on a struggling path in the early 1800s, with many issues overwhelming the federal government, including numerous banking and budget issues.

Most importantly, the expansion created a judicial branch with no authority to interpret the adopted constitution, which continues to plague the understanding of our nation's laws today. Although the banking and judicial issues compromised the nation, the voting on sensitive issues at the federal level set a direction of division throughout American society with the possibility of a war between the States. In addition to a greater bureaucracy and a growing division, the nation would eventually see a complexity of bills that prevented a full understanding of the bill's contents before the vote. The newly adopted constitution was not a greater system of public virtue and happiness that men like John Hanson had given everything to engender.


Educators teach that George Washington was the United States' first President. Still, he was the first President of the second adopted constitution in the continuing government of the United States of America. This reminder of a continuing government is made clear in the preamble of the second constitution (set of laws) we follow today.
 “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” This reminder of a more perfect Union is also a reminder of a continuing Union. This continuation tells us that "if" we are to recognize its Presidents under the Union named the United States of America, this specific recognition is in a continuation of the United States of America with its first President before Washington.

In other words, George Washington was never the first President under the nation’s first constitution. George Washington was never the first President under our continuing Union – the United States of America. Almost a decade before the second constitution with its continuing Presidents, Washington’s respected friend and business partner, John Hanson, became the first President of the United States of America. The nation’s first constitution went into effect while dissolving the Continental Congress. Shortly after the surrender of British General Cornwallis at Yorktown, the nation’s representatives convened under the specific laws of the new constitution with a great deal of excitement. They held that all-important election of a first President to form the first Congress of the United States Assembled. The end of the American Revolution gave legitimacy to the election of a first President and the commencement of the United States Government with its first congress. Naturally, President John Hanson would give official thanks to General George Washington and the French Army for their efforts to win the American Revolutionary War in a formal ceremony in Philadelphia, Pa. However, in less than a decade, the founding fathers’ beliefs in a system of government they engendered and proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and drafted into the original constitution - would be detached and belittled under a new proclamation that this system of government under these laws was too weak.

History tells us that such changes are common in developing nations. They are a natural occurrence, but all too often, the freedoms sought out by instigators of revolutions will always be compromised with the organization of a national government. As my research progressed, each clue led to the exciting discovery of another puzzle piece that fits perfectly into a complete picture of our nation’s missing history. My findings, overlooked by many scholars, resolve inconsistencies in textbooks, answer questions asked by historians for over two-hundred years and illuminate omissions that have gradually altered the way we see our country and ourselves. After more than two decades of investigation to decipher ancient clues and a lifetime of curiosity about the missing history of our first President, I can say that John Hanson achieved the highest level of greatness as an American statesman. Hanson was the most significant American patriot in the history of the United States.

The story you are about to read is long overdue. This publication sheds new light on the American Revolution. Although it was very different than what Americans are taught, it is a powerful story that enhances—rather than detracts from our national identity. It is a story of what John Adams tried to explain when he referred to how we overlooked “the real revolution.” Throughout history, Americans have had various reasons and brief explanations as to why the story of the American Revolution has come to be commonly accepted. Facts and dates are what they are, but the most crucial element of a missing history became lost in the translation. It is the passion of the early Americans and their first American President—the people’s Original Intent.

The second constitution is given full credit for delivering the fruits we have enjoyed as Americans—the second constitution built the greatest nation in the world. However, the greatest nation in the world continues to experience political division, economic uncertainty, and a general decay of collective hope, with more Americans removing themselves from the struggle between right and wrong, good and evil. I maintain the voiding of a significant portion of our history with our nation’s intent has corrupted our culture. It has weakened our laws and placed us on an unavoidable path of an unpayable national debt that threatens our nation and its people each day it goes unchecked.

As you read the untold story of our nation, I hope you will place yourself at the center of a revolution and the people's Original Intent. Hidden in plain sight, discover the exciting ancient clues and common-sense answers to what scholars have asked for over two hundred years. Recognize John Hanson, the first President of the United States Government, and learn about the principles intended to keep the nation on a common-sense course of public virtue and perpetuity. You are about to experience the untold story of world-changing patriots that I pray will strike a familiar and refreshing chord in the heart of every American.

J J Cummings